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jeudi 29 mai 2014

The European Media and Information Literacy Forum 2014

Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL)

During the Plenary session “Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL),” the speakers delivered many thoughts and recommendations to help improve the quality of MIL around the world. Speaker Carolyn Wilson proposed that we treat MIL as a composite concept that has many factors. She mentioned a plan as an example, which aims to improve the quality of MIL in the region. The plan includes four factors: identification, education, communication, and collaboration. The first factor entails identifying key strategic partnerships, while education means targeting key organizations and government ministries. Communication entails raising awareness about GAPMIL and MIL online and offline. The last factor suggests collaboration with partner organizations and initiatives.
Maria-Carme talked about the importance of partnership. She stressed on the fact that we together, need to identify common goals and establish a common plan. To Maria, “It’s important to stop working in silence and sit together and talk.” MIL is an empowering tool once it brings people together. She also said that we could learn from each other once we partner and create “a network of a network.” It’s even more important when you consider partnership to train people how to be literate and check the credibility of the information and the resources.
Chido Onumah also talked about the benefits of GAPMIL and gave recommendations to improve it based on his experience in Nigeria and Africa in general.

According to Chido, Africa is the only continent where MIL is not implemented properly. A lot of initiatives should take place to help solve this problem, so what’s Chido suggesting? He first proposed the idea of hosting more conferences and forums regarding Media Literacy and Africa because these initiatives provide people with insights of what is happening around the world. He also talked about the idea of “global mapping of MIL,” which is a strategy that requires highly literate countries to agree on expanding, distributing, and transferring knowledge of MIL to the least literate countries.



Les échos du Forum Européen sur l'Education aux Médias et à l'information

New world, New Literacies

The plenary session titled: “New world, new literacies,” featured a variety of speakers from different media organizations, all discussing the importance of Media and Information Literacy and what it actually entails from different perspectives. This session encouraged proactive discussions and conversations not only between the panel speakers, but also among the audience.

To the first speaker, Mirta Lourenco, section for media at UNESCO France, Media and Information Literacy is crucial, as she believes that it’s more of a “right” to the citizens and they should all have access to it. She also talks about how the new media, especially the internet and social media replaced the traditional aspects of transferring media and information between people and that indeed has transformed Media and Information Literacy to another level.
According to Lourenco, what really matters in the prices of delivering Media and Information Literacy is to make sure that is not limited but attainable internationally to different countries. So, here’s where the importance of promoting Media and Information Literacy is needed the most.
One initiative that UNESCO HQ Paris is heavily investing on to promote Media and Information Literacy is to combine the efforts of the European commission and UNECSO to promote Media and Information Literacy. Lourenco believes that MIL can be best deliverable when it is a collective effort between different organizations.

The second speaker, Matte, European Commission, agrees with Lourenco on expanding the voice about Media and Information Literacy through the support of the media organizations together.
According to Matte, in 2007, the European Commission started to raise awareness about Media and Information Literacy through debates and conferences, but that was not good enough. So, he proposed the idea of taking an advantage of the existing new technologies to adapt the new media literacies through them. The world is changing significantly fast and we need to cope with these changes. We need new literacies to adapt to a new world.  He finally suggested that we read the title of the session the other way around “New literacies, new world,” so that by defining new literacies, citizens will be able to define the new world.
Other speakers like Jordi Torrent, UNAOC, USA discussed the human aspect of Media and Information Literacy. To Torrent, MIL is a “Human inspect platform,” meaning that it is a way of reflecting the critical thinking of people and that language plays a vital role in the critical thinking process. He mentions an example of an interactive platform of MIL that they are working on for teachers where they can navigate using four languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic and they are working on Chinese.
Torrent also highlighted the importance of Youth Media in promoting Media Literacy. For example, he argued that having a network of proactive schools could enhance Media Literacy. He also gave examples of mobile apps and interactive games that provoke proactivity and if we are able to actually use them effectively, they can help us fit in the new media era.



Interview with José Manuel Pérez Torneroz

Junior Reporters Interview Dr. Abdeljalil Al Alami

DCMF Junior Reporters Interview Mr. Alton Grizzle

samedi 24 mai 2014

Appel à joindre l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL)

Dans le cadre de l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL), il se tiendra le mardi 27 et mercredi 28 Mai 2014 à Paris au siège de l'Unesco le premier Forum européen sur l'éducation aux médias et à l'information.
L'objectif principal du forum est de contribuer à la proposition de recommandations pour l'intégration de l'éducation aux médias et à l'information dans les programmes scolaires européens et le développement d'initiatives dans le domaine de l'éducation informelle et l'éducation pour les groupes défavorisés.
Cette rencontre permettra également la création d'une plate-forme collaborative qui constituera le chapitre européen de l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL).
Les principaux partenaires du forum sont la Commission de l'Union Européenne, l'UNESCO, le Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación et le Projet EMEDUS.

Juste après le forum européen, se tiendra une rencontre pour mettre en place la branche ouest-africaine de l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL). Dans cette perspective, EducommunicAfrik invite toute structure, publique ou privée, existant dans l'espace CEDEAO et intervenant dans les domaines de l'éducation, la communication, l'information (y compris les médias, les TICs), la jeunesse, l'enfance, etc., à manifester leur intérêt à faire partie de l'Alliance en nous envoyant par email leur adresse complète et celle de leur représentant à : contact.educommunicafrik@gmail.com