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vendredi 19 décembre 2014

2015 NAMLE Conference : Call for Proposals

We are now accepting proposals for NAMLE 2015, which will take place June 26 – 27 in Philadelphia. The proposal submission deadline is January 2, 2015.
We are living in a time of massive global change in communication, education, and technology. At the nexus of this change is media literacy education. The theme of the 2015 NAMLE Conference is “Celebrating Connectivity Across Cultures.”
The principle of connectivity captures the state of being connected as well as the ability to make connections between at least two or more points in a network. Connectivity also embodies the myriad ways that points and people are connected to each other. Just like computing capacity is determined by the interconnection of platforms, systems and applications, the efficacy of media literacy education is grounded in our ability to transnavigate geographical spaces, institutional boundaries, educational settings, and cultural contexts.
Our mission for the 2015 NAMLE Conference is to promote connectivity across education, organizations, policies, and even nations. To this end, NAMLE  is officially partnering for the first time with UNESCO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. Our conference will be the flagship event of the 2015 International MILID Week (media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue). This annual event brings together leading MIL universities and organizations from all continents. Our shared goals include promoting media and information literacy (MIL) as a way to foster social inclusion and inter-cultural dialogue. NAMLE 2015 will be the site for stakeholders, international organizations, universities, associations, research groups and teachers from all around the world to heighten public awareness of the importance of media and information literacy at a global level.
Philly Westin exteriorThe site for the 2015 NAMLE Conference is the beautiful Philadelphia Westin hotel, in the heart of Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love. NAMLE draws on the historical foundations of democracy to provide attendees with networking opportunities, professional development, research visibility, and a venue for celebrating growth that has occurred under the “Big Tent” of media literacy education since our last conference held in 2013. Throughout this two-day conference, attendees will commune with one another to celebrate and inspire; to connect and network; to circulate new ideas and research; and to correlate future goals.

We invite innovative session proposals that address the conference theme of “Connectivity across Cultures” in any of the four areas listed below. Proposal submissions should address cross-cultural or interdisciplinary approaches to media literacy education. We especially encourage proposal submissions from educators that demonstrate exemplary media literacy education practices and include or feature youth media makers as active participants.
  • Intercultural/International Dialogue This strand will focus on social inclusion and inter-cultural dialogue. We are especially interested in proposals that heighten public awareness of the importance of media and information literacy at a global level.
  • Explorers & Pioneers This strand will focus on issues that are relevant to newbies as well as experts in media literacy education. We are especially interested in proposals that address the following topics:
      • Common Core Curriculum Standards
      • National Media Arts Standards
      • NAMLE’s Core Principles of Media Literacy Education
      • Privacy Issues
  • Research & Praxis This strand will focus on evidence-based research across community-based, P-12, and/or post-secondary settings. Proposal abstracts should be explicit yet concise about methodology (including types of data collected). Research can be in-progress or recently completed. We are particularly interested in proposals that illustrate collaborative research across settings and proposals that have practical application for NAMLE’s multiple constituencies.
  • Integrating Youth Media/Modern Media Makers (M3) This strand will focus on the ways in which youth media are utilized as a method of engaging young people in media literacy. NAMLE is continuing its conference tradition of hosting young media makers from across the country and beyond to engage in on-the-ground production. We invite integrative proposals that connect with this conference-long M3 event and involve youth media makers as part of their practice. We are particularly interested in proposals that provide attendees with strategies, practices, and/or momentum relative to youth media programs, particularly in the areas of gaming, STEM, and STEAM.

Proposals will be given strong consideration if they magnify the principle of connectivity to engage attendees in interaction, discussion and shared discovery. Session formats are designed to engage attendees in ways that are participatory, innovative, and collaborative. Proposals should clearly indicate the benefit or “take away” for participant attendees. Presenters can select from the following presentation formats:
  • Panel presentation (60 minutes)—This format consists of no more than four (4) individual presentations that collectively address an element of the NAMLE 2015 Conference theme. We especially encourage sessions that interconnect community members, students, teachers and academic professionals (Note: NAMLE reserves the right to coordinate panel presentations from individual proposal submissions on related topics and research).
  • 5-Minute Media Monologue (5 minutes)—This format collectively showcases innovative ideas, projects, and research in the areas of media and information literacy. Similar to an “open-mic” event, the format challenges presenters to clearly and succinctly explain their work or ideas in just 5 minutes (similar to an “elevator speech”) potentially leading to new collaborative partnerships among conference attendees and presenters.
  • Other Innovative Formats—We are committed to providing spaces for other creative presentation formats, including PechaKucha, performance, coaching, art work, video or other expressive media forms. Submission proposals must address one of the thematic strands listed above and provide a description of technical requirements.

Download a proposal template from http://tinyurl.com/NAMLE15proposal. Use the template to write an abstract of no more than 500 words that describes your proposed session. Make sure your proposal is formatted as a Word document to be sent as an email attachment. Indicate the authors’ names, affiliations, email addresses, contact information and presentation format in the EMAIL ONLY. Do not include identifying information in the proposal itself, as we will facilitate a blind review by the Program Committee.
Submit your proposal to: submissions@namle.net no later than January 2, 2015 11:59pm PST
Notification of acceptance will be sent in early February. Authors of accepted proposals will be required to register for the conference at attendee rate. (Registration information will be available on the conference website in January). Selected research presentations from the conference will be invited for publication in the Journal of Media Literacy Education. Certified P-12 teachers are eligible to receive professional development credit through Temple University.

We are also looking for post-secondary student attendees who are interested in live-blogging/Tweeting throughout the conference in exchange for a scholarship to attend the conference.


mardi 4 novembre 2014

How social media at DGTrends catalyzed fastest AU response, Burkina Faso


How social media at DGTrends catalyzed fastest AU response, Burkinafaso

The high level dialogue trends held in Dakar, from 30 – 31, 2014 will be remembered for its extensive use of social media to facilitate citizen participation during its sessions. During the Session featuring H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo, Ms. Thuli Mandosela of the Ombudsman in South Africa, Cyrille Guel a participant at the DGTrends youth pre-forum dialogue begun tweeting the events from Burkina Faso and tagging the hashtag #DGTrends.

Thuli Madonsela @ThuliMadonsela3
When news broke on situation in I was on panel with Obasanjo on Silencing the Guns in Africa through good governance.


Cyrille Guel’s tweet below on the #DGTrends timeline that was being beamed on the screens begun causing murmurs in the room.

Cyrille GUEL @CyrilleGUELL
The National Assembly of Burkina is on fire. The protesters are taking on national television that they now ransack

This was the tweet that turned captured the attention of the room, gathering over 25 Ambassadors representing their countries at the African Union, former heads of state, Ministers, Civil Society and all representatives of African Union Organs.

Cyrille GUEL @CyrilleGUELL
insurrectional climate here in Ouagadougou, protesters began to gather in front of the Presidency

Following these tweets, the social media team started pulling webpages of leading news agencies to verify the tweets. A hour later, BBC published live pictures of the event, causing a stir in the room. The Commissioner for Political Affairs, Dr. Aisha Abdulahi on seeing the images immediately moved the African Union into action. A press conference was held within twenty minutes with Ambassador Chambers, H. E. Olusegun Obasanjo and Commissioner Abdullahi. Arrangements were immediately made for the departure of the delegation. Their plane left Dakar at 6 a.m. on 31 October, 2014. Four hours later, the President of Burkina Faso Resigned. See Press Statement: “The African Union Commission is highly concerned about the situation in the Republic of Burkina Faso. The Commission has received news of the protests earlier today. It is monitoring the situation and wishes to urge the People of Burkina Faso to remain calm. The Commission also urges the Government of Burkina Faso to respect the wishes of the people as well as the prevailing Constitution of the Republic of Burkina Faso. The Commission reiterates its commitment to zero tolerance on unconstitutional change of Government and respect for the rights of citizens to peaceful protest. The Commission calls for urgent and coordinated international action to ensure that the situation does not escalate any further. The Commission will continue to work with the Government and other stakeholders in Burkina Faso to ensure the restoration of lasting peace and order.”

During the Press Conference, Ambassador Chambers confirms delegation of UN, ECOWAS and AU will depart immediately for Burkina Faso.
Perhaps the tweet below captures the sense of what moved the African Union to Act. The high level dialogue thanked the team running citizen engagement and social media for catalyzing the fasted ever response of the African Union to an Unfolding Crises.

Launch of the Latin American and Caribbean Forum on MIL

Launch of the Latin American and Caribbean Forum on MIL : The  Latin American and Caribbean Forum of Media and Information Literacy  will be held on December 10 and 11 in Mexico City. This con...

mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Launch of the Latin American and Caribbean Forum of Media and Information Literacy in Mexico‏: December 10 & 11


The Latin American and Caribbean Forum of Media and Information Literacy will be held on December 10 and 11 in Mexico City. This conference will be hosted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Public Broadcasting System of Mexico with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and UNESCO as co-organizer, and will bring together stakeholders interested in fostering media education among Center and South America.

Professionals and institutions willing to participate should contact trough the Conference website.
The event aims to promote the training of citizens in the use of media and information in Latin America and internationally.

You may find in attachment the invitation letter from Ernesto Velázquez, President of the Organizing Committee of the First LAC MIL Forum and director of TV UNAM.

You can read the draft programme in the following link.

Thank you in advance for your interest.
Foro de Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional en América Latina y el Caribe
Facebook: /foroamilac2014
Twitter: @ForoAMILAC2014
Tel: +52 0155 56 22 93 99

vendredi 19 septembre 2014

DGTrends 2014 : Presentation of Brian Kagoro

Brian Kagoro is the Africa Governance and Public Administration Programme Adviser at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He was one of the key  speaker during the Youth Consultation to this year's Youth Consultation to the Annual High Level Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Elections in Africa hold in Nairobi, Kenya from 15-17 september 2014 and organized by the African Governance Architecture (AGA) Secretariat of the African Union Commission.

DGTrends 2014

lundi 11 août 2014

Déclaration du GAPMIL à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la jeunesse 2014

Cette année, la Journée Internationale de la jeunesse se concentre sur le thème « la Jeunesse et la santé mentale », sous la devise « questions de santé mentale». A cette occasion, l’Alliance Mondiale des partenaires de l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (GAPMIL) souhaite réitérer l’importance de l’Education aux médias à l’information dans l’élaboration de politiques de développement de la jeunesse. L’Education aux médias et à l’information peut jouer un rôle de catalyseur pour sensibiliser aux difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les jeunes, notamment autour des problématiques de harcèlement en ligne, de discrimination et de leurs conséquences potentiellement négatives comme la dépression, les pensées suicidaires, les troubles de l’alimentation et une faible estime de soi.

La santé mentale des jeunes est une préoccupation majeure qui doit réunir, à l’occasion de cette Journée internationale de la jeunesse, tous les défenseurs de l’Education aux médias et à l’information dans le monde afin d’aider les jeunes à atteindre leur plein potentiel et souligner le rôle des MIL à cet égard.

Au niveau de la GAPMIL, il est nécessaire de poursuivre les initiatives et programmes qui promeuvent les thématiques de santé et de bien-être des jeunes à l’échelle globale.

L’Alliance Mondiale des partenaires de l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (GAPMIL) s’engage à soutenir les enfants et les jeunes dans leurs efforts à s’engager au niveau global, dans un monde dirigé par l’information, les médias et la technologie. L’éducation aux médias et à l’information (MIL) s’attache à encourager les citoyens à développer une vision critique de l’information et des médias, considérant l’importance de cette faculté sur leurs vies quotidiennes et plus globalement sur la société.

Les MIL s’attachent également à encourager les jeunes à devenir des citoyens actifs car ils sont confrontés à une multitude d’informations et les messages diffusés par les médias et examinent des aspects potentiels positifs et négatifs des informations et contenus médiatiques.

La nature des informations auxquelles nous avons accès, que ce soit à travers les médias électroniques, internet, les livres ou à travers les interactions sociales, peut influencer notre comportement mais aussi notre vision de nous-mêmes et des autres. Les compétences relatives à l’éducation aux médias et à l’information et l’accès aux technologies sont deux facteurs très importants pour assurer le développement et la participation des enfants et des jeunes au sein d’une société inclusive, juste, et saine.

Note :
La GAPMIL fut créée conjointement en Juin 2013 à Abuja (Nigeria) par l’UNESCO, l’UNAOC ainsi que leurs partenaires dans le cadre du Forum Global pour les partenariats en faveur de l’Education aux médias et à l’information, en intégrant la Conférence internationale sur les MIL et le Dialogue interculturel.
L’alliance a pour objectif de promouvoir les MIL en tant qu’outils pour un développement ouvert et inclusif.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter :

Le Comité directeur de la GAPMIL

jeudi 26 juin 2014

EAVI - Un voyage dans l'éducation aux médias

Le clip vidéo de EAVI "Un Voyage à l'éducation aux médias" est un dessin animé de sept minutes visant à expliquer, dans un moyen simple et amusant, ce que c'est que l'éducation aux médias, et pourquoi elle est essentielle pour vivre librement et de participer pleinement à la société. http://www.eavi.eu/joomla/

jeudi 29 mai 2014

The European Media and Information Literacy Forum 2014

Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL)

During the Plenary session “Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL),” the speakers delivered many thoughts and recommendations to help improve the quality of MIL around the world. Speaker Carolyn Wilson proposed that we treat MIL as a composite concept that has many factors. She mentioned a plan as an example, which aims to improve the quality of MIL in the region. The plan includes four factors: identification, education, communication, and collaboration. The first factor entails identifying key strategic partnerships, while education means targeting key organizations and government ministries. Communication entails raising awareness about GAPMIL and MIL online and offline. The last factor suggests collaboration with partner organizations and initiatives.
Maria-Carme talked about the importance of partnership. She stressed on the fact that we together, need to identify common goals and establish a common plan. To Maria, “It’s important to stop working in silence and sit together and talk.” MIL is an empowering tool once it brings people together. She also said that we could learn from each other once we partner and create “a network of a network.” It’s even more important when you consider partnership to train people how to be literate and check the credibility of the information and the resources.
Chido Onumah also talked about the benefits of GAPMIL and gave recommendations to improve it based on his experience in Nigeria and Africa in general.

According to Chido, Africa is the only continent where MIL is not implemented properly. A lot of initiatives should take place to help solve this problem, so what’s Chido suggesting? He first proposed the idea of hosting more conferences and forums regarding Media Literacy and Africa because these initiatives provide people with insights of what is happening around the world. He also talked about the idea of “global mapping of MIL,” which is a strategy that requires highly literate countries to agree on expanding, distributing, and transferring knowledge of MIL to the least literate countries.



Les échos du Forum Européen sur l'Education aux Médias et à l'information

New world, New Literacies

The plenary session titled: “New world, new literacies,” featured a variety of speakers from different media organizations, all discussing the importance of Media and Information Literacy and what it actually entails from different perspectives. This session encouraged proactive discussions and conversations not only between the panel speakers, but also among the audience.

To the first speaker, Mirta Lourenco, section for media at UNESCO France, Media and Information Literacy is crucial, as she believes that it’s more of a “right” to the citizens and they should all have access to it. She also talks about how the new media, especially the internet and social media replaced the traditional aspects of transferring media and information between people and that indeed has transformed Media and Information Literacy to another level.
According to Lourenco, what really matters in the prices of delivering Media and Information Literacy is to make sure that is not limited but attainable internationally to different countries. So, here’s where the importance of promoting Media and Information Literacy is needed the most.
One initiative that UNESCO HQ Paris is heavily investing on to promote Media and Information Literacy is to combine the efforts of the European commission and UNECSO to promote Media and Information Literacy. Lourenco believes that MIL can be best deliverable when it is a collective effort between different organizations.

The second speaker, Matte, European Commission, agrees with Lourenco on expanding the voice about Media and Information Literacy through the support of the media organizations together.
According to Matte, in 2007, the European Commission started to raise awareness about Media and Information Literacy through debates and conferences, but that was not good enough. So, he proposed the idea of taking an advantage of the existing new technologies to adapt the new media literacies through them. The world is changing significantly fast and we need to cope with these changes. We need new literacies to adapt to a new world.  He finally suggested that we read the title of the session the other way around “New literacies, new world,” so that by defining new literacies, citizens will be able to define the new world.
Other speakers like Jordi Torrent, UNAOC, USA discussed the human aspect of Media and Information Literacy. To Torrent, MIL is a “Human inspect platform,” meaning that it is a way of reflecting the critical thinking of people and that language plays a vital role in the critical thinking process. He mentions an example of an interactive platform of MIL that they are working on for teachers where they can navigate using four languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic and they are working on Chinese.
Torrent also highlighted the importance of Youth Media in promoting Media Literacy. For example, he argued that having a network of proactive schools could enhance Media Literacy. He also gave examples of mobile apps and interactive games that provoke proactivity and if we are able to actually use them effectively, they can help us fit in the new media era.



Interview with José Manuel Pérez Torneroz

Junior Reporters Interview Dr. Abdeljalil Al Alami

DCMF Junior Reporters Interview Mr. Alton Grizzle

samedi 24 mai 2014

Appel à joindre l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL)

Dans le cadre de l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL), il se tiendra le mardi 27 et mercredi 28 Mai 2014 à Paris au siège de l'Unesco le premier Forum européen sur l'éducation aux médias et à l'information.
L'objectif principal du forum est de contribuer à la proposition de recommandations pour l'intégration de l'éducation aux médias et à l'information dans les programmes scolaires européens et le développement d'initiatives dans le domaine de l'éducation informelle et l'éducation pour les groupes défavorisés.
Cette rencontre permettra également la création d'une plate-forme collaborative qui constituera le chapitre européen de l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL).
Les principaux partenaires du forum sont la Commission de l'Union Européenne, l'UNESCO, le Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación et le Projet EMEDUS.

Juste après le forum européen, se tiendra une rencontre pour mettre en place la branche ouest-africaine de l'Alliance mondiale des Partenaires de l’Éducation aux Médias et à l'Information (GAPMIL). Dans cette perspective, EducommunicAfrik invite toute structure, publique ou privée, existant dans l'espace CEDEAO et intervenant dans les domaines de l'éducation, la communication, l'information (y compris les médias, les TICs), la jeunesse, l'enfance, etc., à manifester leur intérêt à faire partie de l'Alliance en nous envoyant par email leur adresse complète et celle de leur représentant à : contact.educommunicafrik@gmail.com

vendredi 25 avril 2014

"Education aux médias et à l'information" pour quoi faire?

Avec la prolifération des médias de masse et des nouvelles technologies (y compris les réseaux sociaux bien sûr), nous sommes tous devenus malgré nous des producteurs et consommateurs d'informations de toutes qualités. Face à une telle situation on peut bien se poser la question de savoir comment reconnaitre la bonne information parmi ces flots qui nous sont "abusivement" servis chaque jour? Comment aider les plus jeunes à vivre dans un tel monde dominé par les images, les sons et les mots? quand on sait que ces éléments jouent un rôle culturel et idéologique non négligeable et participent fortement à la formation de l'opinion publique.
Malheureusement, le système éducatif national ne s’est pas adapté à la nouvelle donne pour apporter une réponse appropriée à savoir l’intégration de l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (MIL en anglais) dans les politiques et stratégies nationales d’éducation, de communication ainsi que dans les systèmes de régulation. Or, l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (MIL) est devenue de nos jours un enjeu de société pour tout État qui aspire à promouvoir les valeurs citoyennes et démocratiques. Elle repose principalement sur la volonté de doter les citoyens de compétences (savoir, capacités et attitude) nécessaires vis-à-vis des médias traditionnels et des nouvelles technologies et comprend les éléments suivants :
• « Comprendre le rôle et la fonction des médias dans les sociétés démocratiques ;
• Comprendre les conditions nécessaires aux médias afin qu’ils puissent fonctionner convenablement ;
• Évaluer de manière critique les contenus médiatiques ;
• Prendre part aux médias pour l’expression personnelle et la participation démocratique ;
• Obtenir les capacités de révision (TIC y compris) nécessaires à la production de contenu généré par l’utilisateur. »

En clair l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (MIL) relève des droits fondamentaux de l'Homme (article 19).

mardi 8 avril 2014

Launch of the First European Media Literacy Forum in Paris

‘The European Media Literacy Forum, that will take place next May on Paris. It is a really relevant conference, co-organized by UNESCO within the frame of the GAPMIL, and it will bring together experts, teachers, media professionals, industry, audio-visual authorities, researchers, NPOs, and foundations with the aim to relaunch MIL policies at European level. This is the link to the conference with further information:
The First European Media Literacy Forum will be held on May 27 and 28 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. This conference is co-organized by UNESCO within the frame of the GAPMIL and will bring together experts, teachers, media professionals, industry, audio-visual authorities, researchers, NPOs, and foundations with the aim to re-launch MIL policies at a European level. Professionals and institutions willing to participate should contact trough the Conference website before April 4th.
The main objective of the forum is to contribute to the proposal of recommendations for the inclusion of Media Education in European school curricula and the development of initiatives in the field of informal education and education for disadvantaged groups.
Resulting from in-depth research in 27 European countries, the EMEDUS project has proposed recommendations to improve media education in each of those areas. This conference will foster debate among institutions, experts, industry professionals, schools and the media as well as among political and regulatory authorities in order to discuss and readjust recommendations.
 The event also pretends to encourage the creation of a collaborative platform that constitutes the European Chapter of the Global Alliance Partners in Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL).’

mercredi 5 mars 2014

About « Women Make the News » 2014

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day (IWD) on the March 8, UNESCO joins forces with international and regional partners to launch the annual Women Make the News (WMN) initiative. The theme this year is “Advancing Global Partnerships to Achieving Gender Equality in and through Media.”
The WMN 2014 theme is connected the groundbreaking Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) which was launched during the first Global Forum on Media and Gender which took place in Bangkok, Thailand on 2nd to 4th of December 2013. The WMN theme is also related the International Women’s Day global theme: “Equality for women is progress for all.”
Launched annually on the occasion of the IWD, Women Make the News is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness on the issue of gender equality in and through the media, driving debate, and encouraging action-oriented solutions until global objectives are met. It is to this end that UNESCO has developed resources such as the Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media and the Media and Information Literacy Policy and Strategy Guidelines
Our advocacy efforts this year will seek to achieve the following objectives:
1. Promote an increase in female sources interviewed in the news;
2. Strengthen cooperation with our media partners and their role in GAMAG;
3. Expand the membership of GAMAG;
4. Shine the spotlight on the necessity of partnerships to achieve the objectives of the Media and Gender critical area of concern of the Beijing Declaration;
Below are the key features of Women Make the News 2014.
Key Features
* Call on media partners to commit to ensuring that, in general, at least 30% of all sources interviewed in the news are women
* Invite editors-in-chief of newspapers, radio, and television on- and offline to join UNESCO’s initiative, and to produce special supplements/programmes on these topics and/or to entrust women journalists and reporters with editorial responsibility in the newsroom on March 8 to mark the WMN initiative
* Invite international development organizations and private sector corporations, including media, to pledge to be a part of a donor framework to support activities of GAMAG
* Online discussion concerning a steering committee for GAMAG
* Promote GAMAG and the related follow-up actions by encouraging other organizations and individuals to join the movement
* Encourage young girls and boys to enroll on the MIL intercultural dialogue and gender online course
* Launch of IAMCR and UNESCO publication, Media and Gender: A Scholarly Agenda for the Global Alliance on Media and Gender' IAMCR and UNESCO.

Let us keep up the momentum following the success of the Global Forum and the World Radio Day celebrations, 13 February 2014, whose theme is Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.


Concernant « Les Femmes font l’Info » 2014

A l’occasion de la Journée Internationale de la Femme (JIF) le 8 mars, l’UNESCO en collaboration avec les partenaires internationaux et régionaux vont lancer l’édition annuelle 2014 de l’initiative « Les Femmes font l’Info » (FFI). Cette année, le thème concerne «l’établissement de partenariats globaux pour l'égalité des genres à/et à travers les médias».
Le thème est connecté au succès inédit de l’Alliance Globale sur les Medias et le Genre (AGMG) qui a été lancée à l’occasion du Forum Global sur les médias et le Genre qui s’est tenu à Bangkok du 2 au 4 décembre 2013. Le thème des FFI est lié au thème du Journée mondiale de la femme : « l’égalité des femmes est un progrès pour tous ».
Lancé annuellement à l’occasion de la JIF, Les Femmes font l’Info est une initiative globale qui a pour but de sensibiliser à la question de l’égalité des genres dans et à travers les médias, en organisant des débats et en encourageant des solutions et des actions jusqu’à ce que les objectifs soient atteints. C’est dans ce contexte que l’UNESCO a développé des ressources comme l'utilisation d’indicateurs sensibles à la dimension de genre pour les medias et l'initiation aux médias et à l'information et de lignes directrices de stratégie.
Nos efforts cette année cherchent à réaliser les objectifs suivants :
1. Promouvoir l’expansion des sources des femmes interviewés dans les médias;
2. Renforcer la coopération avec nos partenaires médiatiques et définir leur rôle dans l’AGMG ;
3. Poursuivre l'élargissement de l’AGMG ;
4. Mettre en lumière la nécessité du partenariat pour atteindre les objectifs d’égalité des genres dans les médias, question critique concernant la déclaration de Pékin.
Les initiatives principales de FFI 2014 sont analysées ci-dessous.
Initiatives principales :
* Inviter les partenaires médiatiques à s’engager pour assurer qu’au-moins 30% des experts interviewés soient des femmes.
* Inviter les rédacteurs en chef des journaux, radios, et télévision en ligne et hors ligne à adhérer à l’initiative de l’UNESCO, de produire des programmes/suppléments spéciaux relatifs à ces sujets et/ou de donner aux femmes journalistes et reporters la responsabilité éditoriale de l’actualité pour une période limitée pendant la journée « Les Femmes font l’Info ».
* Inviter les organisations internationales et les corporations à s’engager à faire partie des donateurs pour supporter les initiatives liées à l’Alliance Globale sur les Médias et le Genre.
* Nommer et désigner un comité directeur pour l’AGMG.
* Promouvoir l’AGMG et toutes les activités complémentaires en encourageant d’autres organisations et individuels à rejoindre l’initiative ;
* Encourager les jeunes filles et les jeunes garçons à s’inscrire à l'initiation aux médias et à l'information, dialogue interculturel et des cours en ligne sur l’égalité des genres
* Lancement des publications de l'Association internationale des études et recherches sur l'information et la communication (AIERI/IAMCR) et de l’UNESCO sur les médias et le genre : un programme sur l’Alliance globale sur les médias et le genre (IAMRC et l’UNESCO).

Tirons donc profit de l'élan positif qui a suivi le succès du Forum global et des futures célébrations de la Journée mondiale de la radio, dont le thème est celui de l’égalité entre les genres et l’autonomisation des femmes.

mercredi 19 février 2014

UNESCO supports online MIL course for youth

UNESCO, in partnership with Athabasca University and in cooperation with the UNESCO-UNAOC University Network on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, launches online course on media and information literacy (MIL).
 This entry-level online course will provide youth with basic media and information competencies to become critical citizens and agents of change. The course is designed to enable youth to:
·         Understand why media and other information providers are important to development and democratic societies;
·         Recognise a need for information and to locate, access, organise and carefully evaluate information and the content of media and other information providers;
·         Use and share information based on moral principles or accepted standards of social behaviour;
·         Interact with media and other information providers to freely express themselves, share their culture and learn about other cultures, promote gender equality, and participate in democratic and development activities.
Applicants should be youth (between the ages 14-25). Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate from Athabasca University.
To apply, please click hereApplication must be completed by 19 February 2014

jeudi 13 février 2014

Edition 2014 de l'initiative mondiale "Women Make The News" : EducommunicAfrik innove avec "Regards Equitables"

Dans le cadre de l’initiative mondiale annuelle « Les femmes font l’info » (WMN) lancée par l’Unesco et ses partenaires à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme (International Women Day) célébrée chaque 8 mars et dont le thème de cette année est : « Promouvoir l’Alliance Mondiale Genre et Médias », EducommunicAfrik a développé le présent projet « Regards Equitables », avec l'ambition de contribuer à sa manière à l’atteinte des objectifs mondiaux au niveau du Burkina Faso à savoir "promouvoir l'égalité hommes-femmes et l'autonomisation des femmes dans et à travers les médias de tous types, quel que soit leur support". 
« Regards Equitables » se présente comme une des activités exemplaires permettant d’atteindre cet objectif de façon efficace.
« Regards Equitables » se veut :
-   une activité d’information, d’éducation et de sensibilisation de l’opinion nationale sur la question de l'égalité des sexes dans et par les médias;

-  mais aussi une activité de promotion de l’Alliance Mondiale Genre et Médias (GAMAG) qui vient d’être lancée pendant le Forum Mondial Genre et Médias qui s’est tenu à Bangkok en Thaïlande du 02 au 04 décembre 2013;

Ceci à travers un paquet d’activités comprenant notamment : 
*  La réalisation de deux (02) émissions radiophoniques; 
*  l’envoi d’une équipe de quatre (04) jeunes reporters (filles) pour la couverture médiatique de la célébration du 08 Mars à Banfora, une ville dans l'Ouest du Burkina Faso;

*  l’organisation d’un concours d’écriture d’articles sur la question de l'égalité des sexes dans et par les médias à l’intention des étudiant(e)s en communication et journalisme des universités et grandes écoles du Burkina Faso.