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vendredi 7 août 2015

Académie des jeunes leaders de la société civile : EducommunicAfrik est partie prenante

Du 20 au 23 juillet 2015, EducommunicAfrik a participé au côté de 29 autres OSC de jeunesse de différentes régions du Burkina Faso à une Académie de leadership initiée par le NDI dans le cadre du programme CEPPS mis en place pour impliquer les jeunes dans le processus électoral de 2015-2016 au Burkina Faso.

Partnership between EducommunicAfrik and the Burkina Office of NDI

As part of the ongoing electoral process in Burkina Faso, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) has set up a program to support youth organizations for positive engagement in the elections. 30 youth CSOs including EducommunicAfrik have been identified to benefit from the program.
So, EducommunicAfrik will be engaged in the domestic observation of elections (presidential, legislative and municipal elections) initiated by RESOCIDE / COSTE with the support of NED as well as in training activities initiated and supported by the NDI staff towards young people.
EducommunicAfrik will also be involved in the implementation of the project activities led by sister organizations in their regions.